She Is Known As The Most Jealous Woman In The World

Many people struggle with jealousy every day, and while it’s a normal emotion, learning to control it is important so that it doesn’t take over our lives.

In relationships, many individuals have to navigate the jealousy of their partners. While this can be difficult and uncomfortable, it can sometimes be amusing when observed from the outside.

One extreme example of jealousy is showcased in a wild story about a woman known as the “Angry Lady Ever.” She takes things to the next level by making her boyfriend take a lie detector test every time he comes home and forbidding him from watching TV shows that feature other women.

This couple, Deborah and her husband Steve, once appeared on a talk show to discuss their unusual relationship. Deborah, who admitted she didn’t want a typical relationship with Steve, imposed a strict set of rules on him. Her jealousy was so intense that she couldn’t even allow him to watch TV shows with female characters.

While a small amount of jealousy can be normal or even helpful in relationships, Deborah’s approach was extreme. Requiring a lie detector test every day crosses a line into unhealthy territory.

During their appearance on This Morning in the UK back in 2015, Deborah explained why she felt justified in her jealousy. She believed that if you’re lucky enough to have a good man, you should do whatever it takes to keep him.

When asked if she worried about scaring Steve away, Deborah confidently replied that she didn’t think it would happen. Steve agreed, saying that if he were going to leave, he would have done so already. He also mentioned that Deborah doesn’t use the lie detector as much anymore and that he doesn’t mind missing out on TV shows featuring women, as he prefers sports and racing anyway.

Othello Syndrome - 'morbid jealousy'.

The show later revealed that Deborah suffers from a condition called Othello Syndrome, a form of morbid jealousy. This mental health disorder causes individuals to irrationally believe that their partner is unfaithful. Fortunately, there are treatments and medications that can help manage the condition.

While jealousy can affect any relationship, Deborah and Steve’s story is a reminder of the importance of addressing it before it spirals out of control.